May 20, 2014

Safe Boating Week: Spotlight on Sea Grant Extension Agent Peter Nguyen

Peter Nguyen works very closely with Vietnamese-speaking fishermen to offer them technical assistance, such as providing information about new regulations and proposed legislation. Peter, a former commercial shrimper, has been with the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Outreach Program since 2006. He works at Mississippi State University’s Coastal Research Center in Biloxi and works on fishing gear research, seafood marketing and other outreach efforts.

Safe Boating Week: Spotlight on Sea Grant Extension Agent Peter Nguyen Read More>

Safe Boating Week: Spotlight on Marine Advisory Program Agent Torie Baker

Torie Baker is the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program agent for the Prince William Sound region and is based in Cordova. As a MAP agent, she works with fishermen in marine safety training, business assistance and collaborative applied research. She is also a 20-year commercial salmon harvester in Prince William Sound, Copper River and Bristol Bay, and has worked extensively in Copper River salmon marketing initiatives. She holds a master's degree in adult education from the University of Alaska Anchorage.

Safe Boating Week: Spotlight on Marine Advisory Program Agent Torie Baker Read More>

MIT Sea Grant Hosts a Climate Change Symposium on Sustaining Coastal Cities

Leaders in academia, government, and private industry will address concerns for change in sea level, storm surges, extreme precipitation and flooding and options for adapting to these risks. With shared knowledge and increased understanding, the objective of this conference is to identify ways in which representatives of the various sectors in attendance may wisely use, manage, and protect coastal areas now and in the future.

MIT Sea Grant Hosts a Climate Change Symposium on Sustaining Coastal Cities Read More>