October 25, 2014

Climate Change Impacts in Hawai‘i

This report provides a basic summary of the observed and projected changes to Hawai‘i’s ecosystems and their resulting impacts for the state’s residents. The report focuses on five (5) systems: (1) marine ecosystems – (a) open ocean and (b) coral reefs and other nearshore habitats; (2) coasts and the built environment; (3) terrestrial ecosystems; (4) freshwater resources; and, (5) human health.

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NOAA Coastal Storms Program Coastal Inundation Risk and Vulnerability Study

NOAA Coastal Storms Program Coastal Inundation Risk and Vulnerability Study

In an effort to comprehensively and accurately assess the risks of future coastal hazards and the vulnerability of the community, the project included the following key steps: (1) mapping of projected sea level rise (SLR) scenarios to provide a baseline assessment of the potential impacts of inundation due to SLR, (2) modeling and mapping potential coastal hazards under elevated sea level conditions, specifically (a) tsunami inundation and (b) hurricane storm surge inundation, and (3) a socio-economic exposure analysis of the above inundation zones, as well as a 500-year flood hazard zone.

NOAA Coastal Storms Program Coastal Inundation Risk and Vulnerability Study Read More>

The City of Chester Vision 2020 Climate Adaptation Planning Elements

The City of Chester Vision 2020 Climate Adaptation Planning Elements

With funding from the 2012 National Sea Grant Climate Adaptation Competition, Chester was selected as a model coastal community for integrating climate change adaptation planning into economic revitalization efforts. Here are recommendations from the Chester Climate Task Force adopted as an addendum to the Vision 2020 comprehensive plan for the City by Chester City Council on June 25, 2014. (PDF, 80 pages).

The City of Chester Vision 2020 Climate Adaptation Planning Elements Read More>

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