Seafood Recipes Compiled across Sea Grant Network
Florida Sea Grant compiled seafood recipes from around the Sea Grant network to celebrate 50 years of supporting Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.
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Florida Sea Grant compiled seafood recipes from around the Sea Grant network to celebrate 50 years of supporting Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.
S.C. Sea Grant-funded scientist now working with marine industry to develop new paint coating to deter biofouling on boat hulls and underwater surfaces, such as cables, fishing gear and pipes.
North Carolina Sea Grant connects students of all ages with the coast through outreach and research, including new studies on middle-school students’ climate literacy.
New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium is perfectly situated to facilitate outdoor learning, attracting more than 20,000 students each year.
As a marine workforce crisis looms, Washington Sea Grant helps make Maritime Discovery Schools out of an entire school district.
The Alaska Seafood Processing Leadership Institute offers professional development and enhances promotion opportunities for Alaska’s seafood processing professionals.
The National Sea Grant Law Center is supporting the protection of aquatic ecosystems through a multi-state initiative that is transforming aquatic invasive species management in the western United States.
Washington Sea Grant student works with the Crab Team, a citizen science program dedicated to preemptively detecting invasive European green crab by monitoring pocket estuaries for signs of settlement.
A blog written by and about fellows funded by Maryland Sea Grant provides valuable experience in communicating about science.Â
Virginia Sea Grant’s Advanced Science Communication Seminar challenged graduate student scientists to develop a communication tool that explains their research to the public. One graduate student’s infographic about sea turtle strandings ended up crossing institutional boundaries.
Maine Sea Grant education and professional training programs help recruit and retain a workforce skilled in disciplines critical to the ecological health, economic vitality, and
Highlights of California Sea Grant's State Fellowship program
Two Florida Sea Grant agents are developing water quality monitoring projects in South Florida that enlist residents and volunteers on the front lines of citizen science.
USC Sea Grant helps visitors understand, appreciate the rays that frequent their favorite beach.
Coastal trail network planners turn to S.C. Sea Grant as conduit to resources, technical assistance
Sponsored and run by Oregon Sea Grant, “Shop the Dock” is entering its third summer of offering free, guided educational tours of Newport’s commercial fishing docks. Shoppers learn a bit about the fisheries, meet the people who catch the fish, and have an opportunity to buy the freshest salmon, tuna, halibut and crab, usually at prices lower than they’d find at their local supermarkets.
Sea Grant enhances the mission of the National Weather Service by informing communication and educating the public on weather hazards.
Hawai'i Sea Grant helps homeowners adapt and respond to coastal impacts.
Vermont communities were devastated by flooding during extreme storm events. The state has prioritized the use of green stormwater infrastructure. Lake Champlain Sea Grant is working with partners to help communities become more flood resilient.Â
Originally published by New Hampshire Sea Grant in March 2016 This year marks the 50th  anniversary of Sea Grant, a program that has put science to