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Category: People

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2014-2017 Focus Areas

Creating a Diverse, Equitable and Inclusive Coastal and Ocean Science Workforce

During Capitol Hill Ocean Week (CHOW) 2019, Sea Grant and the Women’s Aquatic Network collaborated to host a brown bag lunch session on Increasing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Coastal, Marine and Ocean Science Workforce. Four panelists, including those from government and non-government sectors, offered inspiring, specific and candid remarks during the packed session, which had standing room only.

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Shauna Oh appointed director of California Sea Grant

Shauna Oh, a leader in California’s marine science community, has been named as the new director of California Sea Grant. She will join the program on February 20th. The appointment follows a nationwide search by Scripps Institution of Oceanography at the University of California San Diego, which hosts the program.

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Teach the Kids to Fish

“By training the next generation of fishers through a hands-on mentorship program, scientists and fishers hope to feed the world for many lifetimes.”

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Social Scientist Directory

Here at MIT Sea Grant, we decided to create a directory of social scientists. We anticipated that this directory would be very valuable for scholars seeking expertise in other fields for interdisciplinary projects; for journals interested in identifying peer reviewers; for graduate students who need mentors or outside committee members; and for managers who have issues that would benefit from addressing social-cultural factors or other aspects of human dimensions.

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Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

’05 Sea Grant Knauss Alum Kristin Rusello

Since I didn't have a marine science or oceanography background, the Sea Grant Knauss fellowship opened the door for me at NOAA and within policy. It can also do this for others.”

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Champions of Climate Adaptation

Leaders who are helping their coastal communities adapt to sea level rise, increases in heavy precipitation and flooding need additional technical, human and financial assistance to do so, according to a report by a 2014 New Hampshire Sea Grant Doyle Fellow.

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Bowhead Whales, a Unique Community, and One Sea Grant Agent in the Far North

While many Sea Grant agents work with commercial fisheries, Sheffield’s role is unique. There are few commercial fisheries in the north of Alaska – the primary fishery there is a subsistence one. A study done on Saint Lawrence Island, in the southern Bering Strait, found that 80 percent of the population ate only subsistence food an average of 5 days per week.

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'02 Knauss Alum Angela Gustavson
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

’02 Sea Grant Knauss Alum Angela Gustavson

“I use the skills I gained from my experience as a Knauss fellow on a daily basis in my career. The writing and policy analysis skills that I developed as a fellow have been critical. In addition, while at the Commission, we worked with 16 commissioners with diverse backgrounds to develop a consensus report. The experience of working with a group like that to evaluate stakeholder input, discuss policy ideas and develop recommendations has been valuable.”  – Angela Gustavson

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Emily Vuxton 2012 Knauss Alum
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

’12 Sea Grant Knauss Alum Emily Vuxton

I use so many of the skills and experiences I gained as a Knauss fellow at my current position. I remained in the Army Corps after my fellowship and I continue to work with many of my former coworkers. I learn new things every day about my agency.

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'04 Knauss Alum Jess Maher
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

’04 Sea Grant Knauss Alum Jessica Maher

“I truly believe the opportunity that I was given as a Knauss Fellow has led to the fact that I have been in D.C. for 10 years. My job in Sam Farr’s office gave me the launching pad for my career that ultimately led to the White House,” – Jessican Maher 

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Assessing Vulnerability and Resilience in Maine Fishing Communities

Assessing Vulnerability and Resilience in Maine Fishing Communities

This project developed a participatory, place-based approach for assessing the vulnerability and resilience of Maine fishing communities, documenting threats and resources available to respond to those threats. To understand the forces driving vulnerability, Johnson and graduate students Cameron Thompson and Anna Henry worked with community stakeholders to identify opportunities and strategies for improving resilience of fishing communities. They produced a summary report, entitled, “In Their Own Words: Fishermen’s Perspectives of Community Resilience.” 

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Shelby Walker
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

Knauss Fellowship: A life-changing experience

For Shelby Walker, a 2002 Knauss Fellowship seemed like a chance to take a break from the lab and consider her future. It wound up being a life-changing experience, one that would put her at the heart of groundbreaking ocean observation efforts and national ocean priority-setting, a key role in the federal response to the Deepwater Horizon oil disaster – and in 2014, at the helm of Oregon Sea Grant.

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2014 Great Lakes Regional Meeting
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

Words of Wisdom from the Great Lakes

Sea Grant greats were honored with Sunset Career Awards at the Great Lakes Regional Sea Grant Meeting in Erie, PA June 16-18, 2014.  They all plan to retire before the next Great Lakes Regional Meeting so they were asked to each share some words of wisdom.

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Hurricane Sandy
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Spotlight on New York Sea Grant Communications Specialist Paul Focazio

As New York Sea Grant's Web Content Manager, Paul Focazio oversees the development and production of New York Sea Grant's Web site, e-newsletter (Currents) and all social media platforms. The program's virtual presence not only includes downloads of NYSG's Coastlines newsletter, for which Focazio writes, but also features sub-sites for all extension staff and a number of special research and education initiatives.

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Heather Wade

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Spotlight on Texas Sea Grant Extension Agent Heather Wade

As Texas Sea Grant’s Coastal Planning Specialist, Heather Wade helps communities on the Texas coast plan for the future. With a toolkit that includes the Coastal Resilience Index, weTable and Community Health and Resources Management (CHARM) model, she leads community leaders through workshops that help them determine their readiness and plan for future needs with respect to coastal hazards, green infrastructure, water quality impairment and other issues related to sustainable development.

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Hazard Resilient Coastal Communities

Hurricane Preparedness Week: Spotlight on Kodi Monroe

Kodi Monroe is a Weather and Climate Extension Agent at the NOAA-funded Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) and is affiliated with the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma.

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Safe Boating Week: Spotlight on Marine Advisory Program Agent Torie Baker

Torie Baker is the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program agent for the Prince William Sound region and is based in Cordova. As a MAP agent, she works with fishermen in marine safety training, business assistance and collaborative applied research. She is also a 20-year commercial salmon harvester in Prince William Sound, Copper River and Bristol Bay, and has worked extensively in Copper River salmon marketing initiatives. She holds a master's degree in adult education from the University of Alaska Anchorage.

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Tsunami Preparedness Week: Spotlight on Sea Grant Extension Agent Ian Miller

Dr. Miller is Washington Sea Grant’s coastal hazards specialist, working out of Peninsula College in Port Angeles as well as University of Washington’s Olympic Natural Resources Center in Forks. He works with coastal communities on the Olympic Peninsula to increase their ability to plan for and manage coastal hazards, including tsunami, chronic erosion, coastal flooding and hazards associated with climate change. 

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Marine Advisory Agent Brings Free Ship Tracking to Nome

A collaborative effort between the University of the Aegean in Greece, the Alaska Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program, and the University of Alaska Fairbanks Northwest Campus is providing free real-time information to the public, about ship information and movements near Nome.

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LaDon Swann Appointed to National Academy of Sciences’ Gulf of Mexico Program

The National Academy of Sciences' Gulf of Mexico Program has appointed Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Director LaDon Swann to an advisory group that will create a strategic vision and guide the program’s development and implementation. The program will focus on human health, environmental protection and oil system safety in the Gulf of Mexico and the United States' Outer Continental Shelf.

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Paula Cullenberg to Lead Alaska Sea Grant

Paula Cullenberg will be the new director of Alaska Sea Grant, at the University of Alaska Fairbanks School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, starting in July 2013. Cullenberg takes the helm after serving as Alaska Sea Grant associate director since 2007, and as Marine Advisory Program leader since 2004. 

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