Virginia Sea Grant
To address the climate adaptation challenge in Hampton Roads, a diverse and densely populated set of independent municipalities, Virginia Sea Grant has partnered with Old Dominion University and the Hampton Roads Planning District Commission to implement the Hampton Roads Sea Level Rise/Flooding Adaptation Forum. The quarterly meetings are designed to facilitate information exchange among local municipalities, state, and federal agencies; researchers, private sector partners, and NGOs. The forum was developed to overcome institutional obstacles and the lack of established methods that would bring together stakeholders to address increasing flooding in the region.
The Hampton Roads Adaptation Forum has been meeting since 2012 to provide an opportunity to share current research in flooding and sea level rise science and technology with potential users, decision-makers and other stakeholders. Participants share their experiences as users of data and technology, share best practices, and identify information or research gaps. Forum participants have reported that they have benefited by being more knowledgeable when interacting with municipal administrators and elected officials, have redesigned the way they communicate to the public, and have used the tools introduced to enhance their adaptation efforts. The forum is an example of a successful process that builds capacity for adaptation in Hampton Roads.