Our Team
Christopher Petrone
Extension Lead & National Lead for the Sea Grant Federal Liaisons Program
Chris Petrone serves as the National Sea Grant Office Extension Lead–a one-year, 50% IPA position. In this role, he represents over 400 extension specialists throughout the Sea Grant network on issues related to on-the-ground community engagement work. He also serves as the national lead and program officer for the Sea Grant Federal Liaisons program, and works with state program representatives on assessing and addressing gaps in Sea Grant staff professional development.
Chris also serves as the Director of the Delaware Sea Grant Marine Advisory Service (MAS), which is housed within the University of Delaware’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment–a position he has held for five years. Based at the UD Hugh R. Sharp Campus in Lewes, Chris leads eight extension and education specialists who work with stakeholders and partners to solve environmental and community issues using the best available science.
Prior to his current positions, Chris was the Marine Education Specialist with Delaware Sea Grant, conducting professional development opportunities for teachers and K-16 student programs in ocean and climate science and wind energy. Chris has a B.S. in Biology from Washington College (Maryland) and an M.S. in Marine Biosciences from the University of Delaware. Prior to working with Delaware Sea Grant, he has been a classroom teacher, commercial oyster farmer, and a Marine Education Specialist with Virginia Sea Grant and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science.
Email: christopher.petrone@noaa.gov