Our Team
Susan Holmes, MS
Designated Federal Officer for the National Sea Grant Advisory Board & Evaluation Lead
Susan Holmes is the Designated Federal Officer for the National Sea Grant Advisory Board and Evaluation Lead. As the Designated Federal Officer, Susan oversees all of the Board’s activities.
The Board advises NOAA and the National Sea Grant College Program on strategies to address the Nation’s highest priorities in terms of the understanding, assessment, development, management utilization and conservation of ocean, coastal and Great Lakes resources. As the Evaluation Lead, Susan oversees Sea Grant’s program evaluation processes, which include performance reporting and recertification of state-programs through site review visits. These processes are designed to ensure the greatest benefit for the federal and state/local investments and they support continued improvement and impact of Sea Grant activities.
Susan has a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology from the University of California Santa Cruz and a Master of Science in Marine Resource Management from Oregon State University.
Outside of work, you can find Susan tending to her garden, reef tank, painting or planning her next scuba diving trip.
Email: susan.holmes@noaa.gov