Stories from around the Sea Grant network
With so much awesome work happening within Sea Grant, it can be hard to keep up! Here’s a look back at some of Sea Grant highlights you may have missed from this month:
News from around the Sea Grant network
Unalaska uses teamwork and technology to save whales: Alaska Sea Grant assisted with an effort to free an entangled humpback whale.
North Carolina
Living shorelines can enhance saltmarsh resilience to hurricanes: a Sea Grant-funded graduate student researcher found that living shorelines made salt marshes more resilient to Hurricane Matthew.
Ohio Sea Grant releases summary of third year of Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative project
Nature enthusiasts and wildlife to benefit from statewide investment: Pennsylvania Sea Grant and the Lake Erie Region Conservancy were awarded grants to conserve 270 acres of land, protect critical wildlife habitat, and provide over 6,000 feet of stream access for anglers.
Texas Sea Grant Director Dr. Pamela Plotkin recognized as Skip the Plastic’s November Bag Hero
University of Southern California
USC Sea Grant trains the next generation of seafloor mappers
As waters rise, so do opportunities: Virginia Sea Grant participated in the sixth annual meeting of the Virginia Coastal Policy Center which opened with a discussion of the challenges facing Virginia and concluded with promises of action from Governor Ralph Northam, who signed an executive order to increase the state’s resiliency.
2019 NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowship: The application process is now open for the joint NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS)-Sea Grant fellowship. These fellowships are available to graduate students enrolled in Ph.D. degree programs at academic institutions in the United States and territories. Interested applicants should check out the NMFS-Sea Grant Fellowships page.
Special projects announcement: Sea Grant, NMFS, and the NOAA Office of Education anticipate funding a cooperative agreement to develop one or more Undergraduate Population and Ecosystem Dynamics Workshops. Applications are due January 23, 2019, and an informational webinar will be held December 18, 2018. More info.
Applications for the 2019 NOAA Coastal Management Fellowship Program are due to Sea Grant programs by January 18, 2019. More info.
As always, check out the Sea Grant careers page and follow Florida Sea Grant’s weekly Jobs Roundup for more opportunities.
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