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Tag: National Sea Grant law Center

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Healthy Coastal Ecosystems

Law Center Leads Efforts to Draft Model Law Addressing Aquatic Invasive Species in Western States

The  National Sea Grant Law Center and partners recently embarked on an innovative project that is bringing together individuals from three professional communities that rarely interact – Assistant Attorneys General, law enforcement personnel, and aquatic invasive species coordinators to improve management of the primary vector for the spread of aquatic invasive species, the trailered boat.

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Waterfront in Valdez

Introducing a New Resource to Help our Nation’s “Working Waterfront’s” Flourish

Imagine Boston, Charleston, San Francisco or Seattle without fresh seafood, pleasure boats or shipping vessels. It is an impossible task. The history, culture and identity of these communities are inextricably linked to their “working waterfronts,” which are places for active, water-related commerce and desirable areas in which to live and work. Unfortunately, many of these working waterfronts face a growing number of challenges. 

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