rainings help improve the knowledge of municipal staff that are responsible for enforcing the regulatory provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program. Photo credit: Louisiana Sea Grant
In 2018, Woods Hole Sea Grant and Cape Cod Cooperative Extension presented eight floodplain management trainings for municipal staff regarding the basics of floodplain management, historic structures in floodplains and Letters of Map Revision. The trainings were well-attended and well-received, and they helped increase the knowledge of regulatory provisions of the National Flood Insurance Program for 278 staff from Cape Cod and South Shore communities. This guidance can lead to better enforcement of NFIP regulations and greater participation in the Community Rating System, making buildings less likely to suffer flood damage and reducing the likelihood of economic impacts after a flood event. As a result of Barnstable County’s regionally-managed CRS program, policyholders save $420,000 each year on their NFIP premiums.