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Category: Resilience Toolkit Archive

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Ecofore Website about Lake Erie Hypoxia

Ecofore Website about Lake Erie Hypoxia

The project created, tested and applied models to forecast how anthropogenic (land use, invasive species) and natural (climatic variability) stresses influence hypoxia formation and ecology, with an emphasis on fish production.

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Coastal Hazards Guide

Coastal Hazards Guide

This online Guide was created by Maine Sea Grant to help coastal property owners and municipal officials identify features and different types of hazards on the Maine coast, and evaluate potential responses and actions. This guide is an outcome of the project, Coastal Community Resilience: Developing and Testing a Model of State-based Outreach. 

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Building a Resilient Coast video
Coastal Economy

Building a Resilient Coast video

This video was created for Maine citizens to hear and see what their neighbors, town officials, and local scientists have to say about sea-level rise, coastal flooding, and erosion; what it means to them; and what individuals can do about it in the five-part documentary, Building a Resilient Coast: Maine Confronts Climate Change, produced in partnership with Oregon Sea Grant.

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Coastwatch: Great Lakes Surface Water Temperatures
Great Lakes

Coastwatch: Great Lakes Surface Water Temperatures

Michigan Sea Grant has created a customized user interface for the NOAA CoastWatch data reporting system, evolving as a cooperative project between the NOAA CoastWatch Great Lakes Regional Node (NOAA GLERL) and the Great Lakes Sea Grant Network.

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Water Supply Planning Tools
Great Lakes

Water Supply Planning Tools

Lake Michigan provides a reliable supply of drinking water for a large population in the greater Chicago area of northeastern Illinois and northwestern Indiana, but is being tapped to its legal limit. Water supply planning can increase preparedness for droughts and climate change, reduce regional conflicts, and promote conservation. Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant has tools to help communities with sustainable water pricing, outdoor conservation, sample ordinances, etc.

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Clean Marina Classroom: Increasing Resiliency Unit

Clean Marina Classroom: Increasing Resiliency Unit

With funding from the Great Lakes Integrated Sciences and Assessments center, Michigan Sea Grant led a team in developing a new unit for the Clean Marina Classroom (an online training tool for marina, harbor and boatyard operators in pursuing Clean Marina certification).

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Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) Tool

Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) Tool

Michigan Sea Grant website to host Great Lakes Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) tool, an online mapping tool for coastal pollution cleanup, restoration, and response efforts in the Great Lakes Basin, from Minnesota to New York in the United States and from Ontario to Quebec in Canada.

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River Restoration Workshop Series

Since 2001, Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant has hosted workshops pertaining to various aspects of river and stream restoration, including dam removal. The River Restoration: Practices and Concepts workshops provide the opportunity to hear about the latest restoration projects from experts nationally as well as from the region, and communicate with other professionals with similar interests.

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Climate Change and the Visitor Industry; People, Place, Culture, and the Hawai‘i Experience – Stakeholder Outreach Workshop Summaries and Risk Perception Analysis

Details stakeholder outreach activities for the Climate Change and the Visitor Industry project, summarizing the state of knowledge of current and potential impacts of climate change on Hawai‘i’s tourism industry and coastal communities; identifying opportunities for adaptation and sustainability of the tourism industry; informing Hawai‘i’s decision-makers in the public and private sector of the potential impacts of climate change, and; providing an opportunity for the visitor industry stakeholders to provide feedback on the findings and assist in the identification of priority sectors for adaptation.

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Kaua‘i Climate Change and Coastal Hazards Assessment (KC3HA)

As a technical report for the Kaua‘i County General Plan update, the KC3HA looks to improve the community’s resilience and preparedness to coastal hazards and changing climate through the better understanding and utilization of coastal hazard information and planning tools. The report compiles and summarizes available science-based coastal and climate hazard information to assist in information the General Plan update.

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Hawai‘i Coastal Hazard and Mitigation Guidebook

The purpose of the 242 page guidebook is as a resource to reduce the risk to coastal development by planning for natural hazards such as erosion, flooding, tsunami, and hurricanes. The guidebook uses scientific and technically-based standards for hazard mitigation and provides recommendations for implementation (e.g., guidance, industry standards, policy and the use of existing regulations) that minimize burden to the regulated community.

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The Kailua Community Survey Report

The Kailua Community Survey Report

A report on resident’s attitudes, perceptions, preferences, and values towards a variety of socio-environmental topics. The study is part of a regional beach management and climate change adaptation planning efforts, and informs implementation and future modification of the 2010 Kailua Beach and Dune Management Plan.

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The weTable

The weTable

This affordable public participation tool, developed by Texas Sea Grant's Texas Coastal Watershed Program, allows teams to collaboratively explore and use computer-based data and programs in a workshop setting. 

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The Community Health and Resources Management (CHARM) mapping application is a robust citizen planning tool, built on CommunityViz and ARCMAP, that enables citizens and professionals alike to explore large and small development scenarios that reveal impacts, instantaneously, to the environment by the development, as well as impacts to the development (e.g., storm surge).

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Financial Resilience Manual

Financial Resilience Manual

This decision support tool can be used to identify the optimal policy alternative to allocate financial reserves necessary for local governments along the coast to minimize the financial burden of cleanup, recovery, and reconstruction costs from future tropical storm events.

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Coastal Community Resilience Index

The Coastal Community Resilience Index is a self-assessment tool that brings together elected officials, public works directors, emergency managers, and other leaders at the community-government level to take an in-depth look at their community’s level of resilience. They discuss 57 indicators organized around six categories to identify vulnerabilities, capitalize on strengths and assess future impacts of disasters.

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Chester City Interactive Inundation Maps
Great Lakes

Chester City Interactive Inundation Maps

The Chester Climate Adaptation Team produced this series of 11 interactive Google Maps to assess the risk to the City's population, infrastructure, and environment from varying levels of flooding.

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Collaborative Network Building

Collaborative Network Building

Oregon Sea Grant is planning a workshop for December that will bring together a network of coastal resilience researchers and practitioners to begin developing a broader statewide collaborative network of those interested in and working on coastal resilience issues.

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Decision support networks

Decision Support Networks

Oregon Sea Grant offers facilitation services that guide dialogue in the process of making important decisions about coastal planning and we serve as a bridge between university resources and local end users.

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Community Adaptation Outcome Matrix
Climate and Hazard Adaptation

Community Adaptation Outcome Matrix

New Hampshire Sea Grant helped identify community adaptation strategies for the partner members of the Coastal Adaptation Workgroup (CAW), including a matrix of over 40 actions that communities can take to improve their climate adaptation capacity and implementation.

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These are participatory mapping tools that a number of Sea Grant programs are using for community-based work addressing both climate and stormwater issues.

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StormSmart Coasts website
Climate and Hazard Adaptation

StormSmart Coasts Website

The StormSmart Coast website serves as a “resource for coastal decision makers looking for the latest and best information on how to protect their communities from weather and climate hazards” (

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The Crow's Nest Blog
Climate and Hazard Adaptation

The Crow’s Nest Blog

Since 2011, New Hampshire Sea Grant has helped to develop and contribute to “The Crow's Nest” blog about climate adaptation in New Hampshire, which is available on StormSmart Coasts, as a tool to communicate timely information about events and resources available to communities related to adaptation

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The Watershed Game
Environmental Literacy and Workforce Development

The Watershed Game

The Watershed Game is an interactive tool that was developed by Minnesota Sea Grant as part of the Northland Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO) program to help participants understand the connection between land use and water quality, as well as the degree to which implementing best management practices across land uses and sectors within a watershed is critical for reaching a water quality goal.

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Lawn Campaign Mind Map
Healthy Coastal Ecosystems

Lawn Campaign Mind Map

This tool was used to illustrate how social science findings could be used in a watershed wide non-point source pollution reduction campaign.

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Lawn care information sheet and brochure

Lawn care information sheet and brochure

These tools are the result of a multi-state, integrated Sea Grant /Cooperative Extension coordinated project that supported both turf and social science research to reduce nitrogen losses from turf care and maintenance by do-it-yourself'ers.

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Fishermen Rescue Project – DRAFT

MIT Sea Grant is working with fishing community representatives to develop the Fishermen Rescue Project (FRP); a community based program geared towards developing a best management guide for responding to fishing emergencies and managing media relations.

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Climate Change Impacts in Hawai‘i

This report provides a basic summary of the observed and projected changes to Hawai‘i’s ecosystems and their resulting impacts for the state’s residents. The report focuses on five (5) systems: (1) marine ecosystems – (a) open ocean and (b) coral reefs and other nearshore habitats; (2) coasts and the built environment; (3) terrestrial ecosystems; (4) freshwater resources; and, (5) human health.

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The City of Chester Vision 2020 Climate Adaptation Planning Elements

The City of Chester Vision 2020 Climate Adaptation Planning Elements

With funding from the 2012 National Sea Grant Climate Adaptation Competition, Chester was selected as a model coastal community for integrating climate change adaptation planning into economic revitalization efforts. Here are recommendations from the Chester Climate Task Force adopted as an addendum to the Vision 2020 comprehensive plan for the City by Chester City Council on June 25, 2014. (PDF, 80 pages).

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Coastal Hazards and Community Resiliency in Delaware
Climate and Hazard Adaptation

Coastal Hazards and Community Resiliency in Delaware

To help reduce Delaware communities’ vulnerability to coastal hazards, the Delaware Sea Grant College Program, University of Delaware’s Coastal Community Enhancement Initiative, and Delaware’s Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control have cooperated with the Delaware Emergency Management Agency to increase awareness of coastal hazards and provide communities information and resources that will improve societal, economic and personal resiliency to coastal hazards.

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Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change in Long Island Sound

Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change in Long Island Sound

The Sentinel Monitoring for Climate Change Program in Long Island Sound is a multi-disciplinary scientific approach to provide early warning of climate change impacts to Long Island Sound ecosystems and species to facilitate appropriate and timely management decisions and adaptation responses.

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Connecticut Habitat Management Planning
Coastal Economy

Habitat Based Management Planning

Connecticut Sea Grant and CLEAR developed a web-based tool which leads resource managers through the process of developing a long-term habitat based management plan with information provided on coastal habitat types, management and restoration so as to maximize the long term resilience of natural areas.

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Connecticut Rain Garden App
Coastal Economy

Connecticut Rain Garden App

CLEAR and CTSG partnered to develop a Rain Garden App designed to help people properly install a rain garden, a critical tool in the face of changing precipitation patterns.

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Coastal Riparian Landscaping Guide
Coastal Economy

Coastal Riparian Landscaping Guide

With EPA support, Connecticut Sea Grant partnered with CLEAR and University of Connecticut's Deptartment of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture to produce the web-based tool, Coastal Riparian Landscaping Guide for Long Island Sound.

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Connecticut Climate Adaptation Academy

Connecticut Climate Adaptation Academy

Climate Adaptation Academy is a one-day session on topics relevant to municipal commission members (Planning and Zoning, Inland Wetlands, Conservation), municipal officials, coastal engineers and other interested professionals.

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Coastal Economy

Connecticut Shoreline Trends Analyses

Connecticut Sea Grant partnered with CLEAR and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) to conduct a Geographic Information System (GIS) time series analysis using maps of the Connecticut shoreline from time periods between 1880 and 2006

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