Reporting and Evaluation

Sea Grant strives to achieve excellence in accomplishing its mission. To support this, the Sea Grant programs are constantly engaged in a rotating cycle of planning, reporting and evaluating themselves.

Annual Reporting

Annual reports for work completed February 2024 to January 2025 due in PIER on June 4, 2025 at 11:59pm EST. Please email your program officer when complete.

2024-2027 Annual Reporting

As a reminder, please continue to report your publications year-round to the Sea Grant Collection at the NOAA Library. At this time, please refrain from reporting 2024 annual reporting data into PIER, until we notify the network otherwise. The PIER database is being updated with new pages to address the changes that were made to narrative reporting on projects and the collection of new performance measures. We will plan to host a webinar in the new year with information on the PIER database changes, reflecting the guidance previously provided and summarized earlier this year.

(ARCHIVE) 2018-2023 Annual Reporting
Publication Reporting: Sea Grant Collection at the NOAA Library
Grants Progress Reporting and Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
  • Interim Supplemental Information for Sea Grant RPPRs
    • Webinar: Tuesday, March 12th from 3:00-4:00 pm ET 
    • Also please see current specific notes below:
      • All
        • Depending on the start date, awards may require a semi-annual RPPR due AFTER a final RPPR given the automatic features of eRA. Please generally use the final RPPR information for this last semi-annual RPPR (understanding there are some small differences between what is requested). You will need to submit all requested RPPRs prior to final closeout.
        • Recipients cannot submit an RPPR if a previously submitted RPPR has not been accepted by the program officer. 
        • Please remember that the program officer has 30 days to accept an RPPR (as an aside reminder 30 days also applies to review of Revision Requests). 
      • Sea Grant Programs
        • 2024-2027 Omnibus – You do not need to include a PIER Grant Progress Report for the upcoming 8/30 RPPR (given PIER is being updated to reflect revised annual reporting guidance; signing delays, etc.)
          • Instead you can upload a document that states “No information reported at this time due to delayed funding,” where you would have uploaded those reports.
        • Knauss – See 7/19 email from and here; also reflected in Appendix B of the guidance above.
      • Templates/blank RPPRs
        • Templates are provided to help collect information to be added into eRA, which requires question by question entry (one pdf cannot be uploaded to eRA). Please note these form-fillable templates are a close representation but not fully comprehensive at this time of what is embedded in eRA (e.g., do not include table and radial button formatting; additional detailed question guidance).
      • We appreciate your patience as we continue to track final, more comprehensive agency-wide guidance with the eRA team, and streamlined integration with other reporting mechanisms.
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PIE Policy
2024-2027 Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (PIE) Policy
2018-2023 Planning, Implementation and Evaluation (PIE) Policy
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